segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 2009



(falta de ti /porque é que vens,...)


(1) When I lived in Spain, had singers that I like,
among which were "Álex Ubago" and "La Oreja
de Vang Gogh", although there was also a
Portuguese singer, which my mother had some
cds that I gradually began taste, that is singer
Tony Carreira.
(sabes / Sin miedo a nada,...)

(2) But due to my age, I do not remember very well, had a
Spanhish television series, in the years that form part of my
childhood, whose name was Heidi. These cartoons, as my
mother says, I loved watching hours and stayed as a child.
Basically, these cartoons remind me of my childhood, which
was great and I like to recall that I had the good fortune to
have as good a childhoold, in which there were many people
who wanted me and I cared.


(3) One of my great passions throughout mylife has been read.
I believe that reading is a very powerful weapon to overcome in
life, because it is the best teacher vocabulary allows us insight into
our language and even some foreign language (in my case, I read
many books that are not written in my mother language, the
Spanish). Obviously, as long as they read books that have some
quality. Some of my favorite writers, or at least those who have
read more books, are in order, Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult.


(4) This is one of the pictures I like of which my mother took me
in my childhood. Do not see very well and it has been taken from
an album that my mother gave me, that appear in several pictures,
from my birth until age 18. The truth is that a very strong memory
I have of my childhood, in which years after years, would get me
out the picture for my mother made the final album. It's like a
book, whose leaves are written in pictures, my physical changes
throughout the years. The thrut is that I love the album.


(5) Despite the simplicity os these bracelets, they
represent a part of my life very important. A friend
gave me when I came to live in Portugal. They are
the beginning of a great change in my life, which
began in Spain but ended up in Portugal, when I met
someone who has been very important in my life
and although it no longer remains in the same way,
yet it is very important for me. The day I gave them
was very sad for me because it is not easy to leave
everything and everyone who know to go to a place
where there are only things and persons unknow,
where the start building a new life, which is never
easy, and even less, whit 15 years.


(6) In this picture you can see a dog that came
whit no expectations, but then it was done
accidentally. Let me explain, I have 2 dogs. One
of the times when we do, my family, a trip to
Spain, my dog, because it is very large, was not
whit us, we just took the dog because it is very
small, is a poodle. Let the dog in the house of an
aunt of mine, but escaped. And he was missing
for 1 month, when we find it, what was with the
help of someone who admitted she was pregnant,
the dog emerged from that flight and then we
attached to it. Although it was the father of an aunt
of mine, after it was stolen, I have not know
anything about him, that's she sad part of history.


(7) In another photo it can be two girls. They are very
important to me, because they grew up next to me, I was every
day together. When was born the oldest, I was 10 years, and as always,
insisted that it wanted a brother. When my cousin was born, I was
like having a brother who had desired for so long. Two years later,
he was born small. Our houses were separated by only about 5
meters, were always in my house and when that did not happen,
I was in theirs. Now they continue to live in Spain and I live in
Portugal, but still very special to me. Some of the premium which
took me the better, but I lived with a cousin who is 9 months less
than me, which I have always taken and still taking great.


(8) This picture shows a person brings different memories
and feelings. If on the one hand it reminds me how happy I
was whit her, because when I was born she was only about
15 years, and so I always went as a toy for her. I was her first
niece, that explains a little why. I laughed all through, I played
everything I wanted very much... Unfortunately, that was
short-lived when I was only 4 years and a half, my aunt had
an accident, having instant brain death ad then death total.
The thrut is that it is one of the worst memories I have of my
childhood, if not the biggest.


(9) This is the elementary school that was part of
my life for over 8 years, although the first year, was
at another school, almost all the time in which I did
my primary schooling was at this school. From this
place I have many memories, but not only the
building, above all, I have my colleagues who where
friends for a long time. Although obviously the
friendship is over when Icame to live in Portugal.
Although at that stage in my life, had no worries in
my life. Everything to do their sums and especially
to play. This building represents a stage in my life
happy, very happy.


(10) This drawing was done by one small premium
which came before, while on vacation in my home,
because during the summer have been for about 2
months (2 years) and have moved into my house.
I love when you can pretend that everything is back
to normal, and again they are whit me and I can see
them every day.
The summer holidays make my dream a reality even
if only for a few days off. This drawing represents the
dream that was reality for a time in my past.


5 comentários:

Paul disse...

Nice work Sandra.
You know you can embed the YouTube clips directly into your blog to save people the trouble of having to search for them.

So, all you have to do now is wait for the others to catch up so that you can analyse their museums and comment.

Anónimo disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
virginie disse...

When I look all images of Sandra I think that a very romantic and calm person, because she likes a romantic music such as Tony Carreia.She is a person that like to learn and for this she likes to read a book for to know new words and it's very good for ours general culture.
Theses pictures show us that she liked to live in Spain and all important moments for her. She brought all memories when she lived in Spain to Portugal. The last image of Sandra to describe that she feel miss of Spain. She garde bracelets for her friends for she remember a moments that she lived with her. When she left Spain was very complicated for her because she came to a country where no one knew. Sandra is a person that like to keep all the small memories with her.
Virginie nº26042

liliana vieira disse...

This images of Sandra represents a very romantic person and calm and can see the memories when living in Spain. A romantic person as can see in the 3 first pictures,the singer Tony Carreira is very romantic. In the second picture I can see you have a happy childhood because "Heidi" is a very nice cartoons. For Sandra is important learn new vocabulary how can I see in books they read and I think is very important for the future. She's living the importants moments in Spain and Portugal and show us how important for her. Friends are very important for Sandra. When Sandra came to live in Portugal was difficult to adapt a new life, new people but got all the good memories of Spain.

liliana Vieira, L.R.E., nº32470

Anónimo disse...

Hey Sandra, nice museum.
It had a really personal and emotional touch to it. I also used to like Heidi a lot, too bad I didn't mention it first. You used most of the "slots" of your museum from your childhood, including some sad events which requires alot of courage to mention. I also liked that drawing you mentioned in last place, it's good to keep things like that to remember just a little how it was back then.

I hope you're having a good time here in Portugal.